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中国纺织品网   tex.org.cn   日期:2013-07-10

   第十三届中国(深圳)国际品牌服装服饰交易会即将在7月绚丽来袭,与交易会同期举行的还有2013年深圳国际纺织面料及辅料博览会,2013深圳制衣设备展览会。素有品牌发展“助推器”之称的深圳服交会今年招展形势持续火爆,本届交易会静态展览面积达7万多平米、展位3000多个,吸引了包括国内一线知名女装品牌玛丝菲尔、影儿、欧柏兰奴、BBLLUUEE、娜尔思、爱特爱、MYMOMENT、季候风、odbo、MIKIBANA、菲妮迪,卡汶、丽琪、台茗、润薇、贝洛安、yidian;知名男装品牌卡尔丹顿,凡思诺,龙浩,麦卡思,卡仕登等都将悉数登场。与此同时,为把本届深圳服交会打造成一个国际交流的平台,本届服交会邀请了来自欧洲的众多时尚品牌如AMERICAN RETRO,Darling,VICOMTE.A,Rachel Riley,Fever等。届时,来自国内外近千家的服装品牌齐聚深圳服装交易会,为促进本土品牌的国际交流合作将会起到重要作用。接下来就让我们先睹为快,一睹这些优秀外国品牌的风采:

官网/Website: http://www.americanretro.fr/ 展位号/Booth Number: 1C16 - 1C18

  公司简介:来自法国的American Retro创建于2002年,创始人Laure Pariente是 Gregory & David Pariente的 艺术总监。 作为一个年轻的品牌,American Retro以创始之初的嬉皮士风格迅速引起了业内的关注,经过十年 发展壮大,American Retro 已经拥有了500家精品店,备受世界时装之苑,以及VOGUE的青睐。

Company Introduction:American Retro is launched in 2002 by Laure Pariente, Artistic director of the brand, Gregory & David Pariente. The collections radiant energy, subtile and colorful pallet and young spirit would prove itself as an influential label in the industry.

  国家/地区:法国                                  消费人群:都市女性

  Country: France                                  Consumer Groups: Urban Female



官网/Website: http://www.darlingclothes.com/ 展位号/Booth Number: 1C16 - 1C18

  公司简介:来自伦敦的品牌Darling 创建于2008年,时至今日,Darling在英国本发展至280家精品店,在美国 发展至400家,遍及50个国家。

  Company Introduction:Launched in 2008, Darling has quickly grown to become one of the leading independent lady’s wear brands in the UK. As part of a new strategy, in 2012 Darling developed 3rd party relationships with concessions both in-store and online (with a UK focus). The intention is to continue to grow this strategy developing similar relationships internationally.

  国家/地区:英国                                  消费人群:年轻女性

  Country: UK                                      Consumer Groups: Female


官网/Website: http://www.feverdesigns.co.uk/ 展位号/Booth Number: 1C16 - 1C18

  公司简介:始于1996年,Fever London的设计深入阐释了古典的印花风格,塑造了女性优雅线条美感。此品牌的创作元素不仅柔和了古典灵感,还不断以高雅的服装品味,不断走在时尚前列。

  Company Introduction: Since 1996, Fever’s signature style is inspired by vintage prints and feminine silhouettes. The collections are a truly creative blend of vintage inspiration, global trend hunting and eye catching elegance.

  国家/地区:英国                                  消费人群:年轻女性

  Country: UK                                      Consumer Groups: Female

Vicomte. A

官网/Website: http://vicomte-a.com/en/ 展位号/Booth Number: 1C16 - 1C18

  公司简介:来自法国的Vicomte.A 创建于2005年,作为新锐品牌,顺利进驻“老佛爷”百货后,一举成名。2007年,Vicomte A. 在巴黎开设了第一家精品店,同年进驻美国-Palm Beach。短短8年内,Vicomte. A 将424个品牌,推广至44个国家,其中380个品牌占据了法国本土市场。

  Company Introduction: Vicomte A. was launched in 2005. The first concessionary stand in the Galeries Lafayette men’s department was an immediate success. In 2007, Vicomte A. opened the first Boutique in Paris. Later in the same year, the first boutique was opened in the USA at Palm Beach. Nowadays, Vicomte A. has bought 380 Multiband outlets in France, 44 all over the world.

  国家/地区:法国                                  品牌定位:商务休闲

  Country: France                                  Brand Positioning: Smart Casual

Rachel Riley


官网/Website: http://www.rachelriley.com/ 展位号/Booth Number: 1C16 - 1C18

  公司简介:Rachel Riley 的品牌历史创建于1994年的伦敦,深受广大顾客青睐。2012年,Rachel Riley 获得“儿童时装杰出贡献奖” ,连续两年荣获“最佳时装零售商”的殊荣。在“最佳英国时装品牌奖”中,赢得“最佳女童装”,“最佳鞋类” 的殊荣。

  Company Introduction: Rachel’s award-winning London-based children’s wear brand was founded in 1994 and it is well received. In 2012, Rachel Riley has received an award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Children’s Fashion’ at the prestigious Junior Design Awards. The brand also won ‘Best Fashion Retailer’ for a second successive year.

  国家/地区:英国                                  品牌定位:时尚,高端童装

  Country: UK                                      Brand Positioning: High-end Children’s wear


官网/Website: http://gaowei-xinzhan.com/ 展位号/Booth Number: 1D75-1D76

  公司简介:来自巴黎的高级成衣女装品牌GAOWEI+XINZHAN成立于2001年,品牌融合了中国19世纪二,三十年代上海滩的优雅含蓄以及时尚之都巴黎的华丽、性感。品牌服装以雪纺、绸缎、各色蕾丝为主调,融入柔软皮草和个性大胆的珠宝,其设计师为来自中国的高巍、欣展。随着品牌的频频亮相,国内外媒体争相报道,Vogue, Madame Figaro, Elle, Vision……经常可以看到这两位杰出的中国年轻设计师的报道和作品,更有媒体称赞两位是开创中国时尚新纪元的领航者。

  Company Introduction: Atelier GX is a French based company founded in 2001 by Xinzhan and Gao Wei. Trained at the Atelier Chardon Savard, and after a successful experience at Christian Lacroix’s, they launched their women's high end ready to wear under the label Gaowei+Xinzhan. Both from Chinese heritage, they have been keep on developing a new sensibility to fashion combining the East and the West.

  国家/地区:法国                                  消费人群:女性

  Country: France                                  Consumer Groups: Female

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